Publications & Talks


Davis, S. (2022) Queer and Trans People of Colour in the UK: Possibilities for Intersectional Richness. London: Routledge

Pattinson, E. M., McDermott, E., Eastham, R., Hughes, E., Johnson, K., Davis, S., Pryjmachuk, S., Jenzen, O., Mateus, C. (2021). Tackling LGBTQ+ youth mental health inequality: Mapping mental health support across the UK. The British Student Doctor Journal. 5, 3, 20 – 29.

McDermott, E., Eastham, R., Hughes, E., Pattinson, E., Johnson, K., Davis, S., Pryjmachuk, S., Jenzen, O., Mateus, C. (2021). Explaining effective mental health support for LGBTQ+ youth: A meta-narrative review. SSM - Mental Health, 1

Selected talks

Panel discussant (2022, April). Decolonial Research Collaborative Inaugural Lecture with Professor Urmitapa Dutta, Nottingham Trent University

Panel discussant (2022, February). Decolonising queer: A roundtable discussion. LGBTQ Studies module, University of Westminster

Davis, S and Liebert, R. (2019, May). Decolonising Pedagogies? Conspiring for Transformation. Annual Critical Pedagogies Lecture, University of Westminster

Davis, S. (2018, November) Decolonising Gender and Sexuality: QTPOC activism. Paper presented at Stonewall Staff Development event.

Davis, S. (2018, October). Decolonising Gender and Sexuality: Queer and Trans People of Colour activism. Paper presented at Our Queer Caribbean Symposium at Institute of Latin American Studies, School of Advanced Study University of London.

Davis, S. (2018, August). Histories of Queer and Trans People of Colour Resistance in the UK, Consented Magazine Summer School, SOAS

Davis, S. (2018, June). Decolonising Gender and Sexuality. Paper presented at the conference FutureSex, University of Surrey

Panel discussant (2018, June). University of Westminster and Birkbeck Critical Pedagogies Group ‘Queering Learning and Teaching’ and ‘Critical Pedagogies Skill Share’ panel discussion. London

Davis, S. (2018, March). Decolonising Dis-ease. Paper presented at the Wellcome Collection’s symposium on Decolonising Health. London

Davis, S. (2017, May). Interrogating Whiteness, Making Black Lives Matter. Paper presented at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference as part of the Psychology, Feminism and Social Justice Symposium. Brighton

Davis, S and Johnson, K. (2016, July). Intersectionality and Queer Assemblages – A Reparative Reading? Paper presented at the British Psychological Society’s Psychology of Women Section Annual Conference. Windsor

Davis, S. (2015, October). Queer and Trans People of Colour Activism and Black Lives Matter: Resisting the Silences on the intersections of race, gender and sexuality. Paper presented at the conference Black Lives Matter: The Past, Present and Future of an International Movement for Rights and Justice. University of Nottingham

Panel discussant (2015, March). Women of the World Festival ‘Black LGBTQI Rights and Activism’ panel, London